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Free on 15th - 17th Jul 24
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Note: 2nd edition.  Professionally edited by David Gatewood, Archmage 

So you want to be a wizard?

You know being a wizard is not all quests filled with high adventure, finding priceless treasure, warm adulation and reward, and uncovering newfound knowledge?

You really want to be ensorcelled by fell magics, accosted by boisterous knights, enchanted by hostile magicians, waylaid by villainous rogues, attacked by creatures from the nether realms, cursed by dread warlocks, and worse? And those on some of your better days?


Are you crazy?

If you are (crazy, not serious… serious is optional), then Mulogo is the wizard for you and Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry is the guide you’ll live by!

Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry provides a concise summary in plain (well, mostly plain) language for wizards who wish to have a manual for surviving in a harsh world where people (and much nastier) want to kill you and take your stuff (usually in that order).

With varied subject topics including Allies and Whether to Buy Them, On Reducing Risk (and Capitalizing on the Failure of Others), Protecting Yourself From Yourself, How to Minimize the Curiosity of Others, and When Griffins Attack, Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry will allow you to thrive… but first you have to survive.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy a few laughs along the way. (1)

Scribe’s Notes:

     1. Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry is a largely farcical text making light of wizardly conventions within the larger fantasy, gaming, and roleplaying traditions, assorted related communities and offshoots, memes, and various cultural derivatives. (2)
     2. If you do not like satire, or laughing, this book is not for you. (3)
     3. Perhaps a more exciting tome–such
as Navel Lint, Its Permutations and Harvestingwould be more to your liking. (4)

     4. Mulogo does not condone laughing.


Praise for Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry:

“Luckily, I happened upon Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry early on in my tutelage while perusing my Master’s library. The Treatise remains to this day one of the most influential and
formative works on my development and outlook as a magician. Mulogo’s insights helped me survive my grueling training with a fell god and become the Priest I am today.”

– Wrindanneth the Red, erstwhile Priest of Maeth Onai, member of the Fists

“I avoided Mulogo’s Treatise on Wizardry like the plague during my training, as its perspective is entirely unlike my own. It had no influence on my profession or progression. I have little need or interest in being like either Mulogo or Wrindanneth.” 

– Aroganji, Fang Shih of Chang Sen, member of the Fists 

“I never heard o’ Mulogo’s Treatise til Wrindanneth showed it ta me. I have no need fer a manual on trimmin’ my nose hairs. They help support my beard.”

– Slate Flintforge, Dwarven Bor’Banna, Brewmaster, Eater of Leftovers, and member of
the Fists

“I could never make it past the subtitles.”

– Hoyt, Proprietor of Hoyt’s – Oddities, Found Goods, and Sundries, wizard of Tellanon

Free on 15th - 17th Jul 24
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