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Free on 24th - 28th Feb 14
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Fibromyalgia is a distressing illness that affects millions of people around the world.

Rebecca Richmond suffered for seven years before she developed a programme of various mind–body techniques that enabled her to overcome her symptoms. Then she used these same skills to aid her recovery from MRSA, a malignant melanoma and surgery to remove a pancreatic tumour. She now enjoys good health and lives a full and active life.

Rebecca believes that the key to her healing was understanding how to interrupt the pain signal to the brain, overcome the traumas from her past and finally learn to relax so her brain and body stopped triggering the ‘fight or flight response’.

Within her book, she shares her story and provides detailed descriptions of the techniques she used to overcome her symptoms. Rebecca uses a combination of practices and exercises that you can follow so that you, too, can overcome this condition. Through these techniques she has been able to enhance the way she thinks and improve every aspect of her life – though her weaknesses remain chocolate, ice cream and curry!?

Praise For My Guide: Manage Fibromyalgia/CFS:

It has really helped me with managing my pain. There were so many great resources and techniques which I am using daily.

This has made a huge difference for me and I am feeling more able to enjoy playing with my little boy. Your book makes so much sense and it is wonderful of you to share your experience to help so many people. Thank you again. I know that I will be able to continue improving and controlling my health and all that life has in store for me.

Free on 24th - 28th Feb 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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