Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 5th - 7th Jun 24
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This volume reveals the exceeding rare esoteric knowledge of profoundly enlightened individuals.

In the 1970s, while on an extended trek in the Himalayan Range, the author encountered a remote village deep in the vast wilderness of massive ice peaks, a village called Siddhalaya. There he had the privilege of meeting a number of extraordinary men and women—introduced to him as “masters” and “adepts”—possessed of a knowledge and a power virtually unknown in the Western world. In this volume, you will meet these remarkable people.

“Magical, highly enlightening, and deeply inspirational, this book sets forth the fundamental knowledge, essential principals of consciousness, and methods of visualization to master astonishing creative powers. A must read for anyone seeking greater personal knowledge and power.”

Fragments of this knowledge have at various times through the millennia appeared in esoteric literature, in the more profound Eastern philosophies, and in the occult wisdom traditions of various ages. This is to be expected—the knowledge that conveys true power has an primordial origin, believed to have originally been transported to ancient Egypt from an antediluvian, mid-Atlantic civilization of pre-history, long disappeared from our world.

In modern times, splinters of this knowledge have resurfaced in various presentations, although unfortunately absent both the most fundamental elements as well as the most advanced elements of the wisdom system of the supreme masters. Attaining the ability to directly manifest whatever persons, circumstances and events you desire to experience in your life cannot be truly or fully achieved through simplistic concepts of “positive thinking” or some alleged “secret,” as so many people have learned.

The knowledge presented in this volume offers the illumination, guidance and techniques necessary to create a superlative life, but of which very few have an enlightened understanding. This knowledge can wholly transform your experience of this world in every positive way imaginable. It is, therefore, of great value.

“At last! A masterful, entertaining, straightforward presentation of the profound knowledge of those who know and preserve the arcane wisdom of an occult world. Filled with wit, wisdom, wonder and magic. Completely delightful cover to cover.” —Susan C., D.Phil

In this book, you’ll learn from dialogues with true masters how to use your own creative power in every aspect of your life—wealth, health, relationships, love, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. If studied with care and practiced with intent, you will be enabled to recognize and utilize the hidden, untapped power within you, bringing abundance and joy to every aspect of your life.

First U.S. Edition, 51,050 words. Bonus Section includes excerpts from The Living Part of A Myth, Five Years in the Valley of Masters book series.

Books in The Living Part of a Myth Series

A Discovery of an Unparalleled Kind (Book One)

A Series of Extraordinary Events (Book Two)

Antiquity, Three Crowns, and a Princess Revealed (Book Three)

Through a Looking Glass Several Hundred-Thousand Years Old (Book Four)

Kalika-Khenmetaten, The Supreme Egyptian Female Adept

Mystic Wisdom of the Masters, The Esoteric Knowledge of Great Adepts

The Illumination – A Story of the Magic of Life and The Light

Interview with an Oracle, Astonishing Revelations about Life and Our World

A Great Master Speaks, The Secret Powers of the Ancients

Ri-iha-mo – Tibetan Mountain Goddess, Encounters with a Legend of the Himalayas

Library-cataloging-data: visualization, esoteric, enlightenment, metaphysical, manifesting abundance, enlightenment, occult, new age, Nepal

Free on 5th - 7th Jun 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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