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Free on 8th - 12th Nov 23
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The perfect Thanksgiving gift for those liberal in-laws who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome–the ones so divorced from reality that they think Joe Biden is a good president. Be sure to smile when giving them a copy, because they will hate every word of it. This book is filled with the grit that made America great, so it is going to attract some harsh labels. My pledge is to wear each one of them proudly as a badge of honor. It is time to stop cowering in fear of the meek.

This book serves as a blazing beacon in the midst of our societal apocalypse. In it, I will use mathematics to reveal the hidden motives the left aims to conceal. They consider the truth more dangerous than a lie. Consequently, they have resorted to banning my books, deleting my Twitter account, blocking my Facebook, and repeatedly stifling my voice.

This book was forged in the mold of American freedom–an identity we seem to be losing. Why has our nation grown weaker? Much like a compromised immune system, we’ve become vulnerable to the liberal pathogen because we’ve lost the resilience of the greatest generation. This book serves as a wake-up call to our silent majority: It’s time to dismantle the dangerous ideologiesz before our children bear the heavy burden of our inert cohesion.

This book exhibits a no-nonsense approach to political debate, following in the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Thomas Paine. I have applied the logic of mathematical functions to deconstruct the maleficence of the left in the vein of Aristotle. We are in desperate need of new political ideas, and these pages will serve as a soundboard for the debate to begin.

Free on 8th - 12th Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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