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Free on 11th - 15th Jan 18
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Negative Calorie Diet & Clean Eating Box Set

Negative Calorie Diet: Cookbook & Guide Which Will Help You To Burn Body Fat, Lose Weight And Live Healthy

Are you on the verge of giving up on your weight loss goals? Have you tried reducing your fat intake, eating fewer carbohydrates and all the diets that call for eating fewer proteins and carbohydrates, drank a lot of water, but you don’t lose any weight? Does nothing seem to work? Well, I guess losing hope is understandable, but wait, DO NOT GIVE UP JUST YET! There is one more option, the best option in fact: The Negative Calorie Diet.
If we are to go by the facts, the Negative Calorie Diet is the fastest way to lose weight; you can lose up to 14 pounds a week when you adopt the diet! Thanks to this diet, losing weight is no longer a random dream or a hope; it is a reality for thousands of people across the globe.
In this book, you will learn more about the Negative Calorie Diet, how it works and some amazing recipes that will help you burn fat.

Clean Eating: Cookbook And Guide to Restore Your Body’s Natural Balance and Eat Healthy

Nothing in life comes close to the value of good health. Taking your health for granted will only lead to a life of compromise. You will not be able to enjoy life or be happy, as you will be pressured into thinking about your health.
Good health is a measure of how much you care about yourself. The more you care for yourself, the healthier you become and the happier you remain.
But this is often easier said than done. Most of us tend to lead busy lives that prevent us from focusing on our health. We tend to go through stressful situations that impact our bodies negatively. Add today’s lifestyle encourages the consumption of junk and processed foods that can cause health to backtrack.
The need of the hour is to, therefore, pick up a diet that is wholesome and capable of enhancing good health.
When we hear the word “diet” we are often reminded of salads and soups that do not taste good. However, not all diets ask you to settle for bland food that is stripped of flavor. In fact, you do not have to follow a fad diet to enhance health, as a clean diet will do the trick for you.
A clean diet refers to subjecting the body to clean foods. Clean foods are all natural and those that are free from chemicals and toxins. Staving off consumption of such foods can put your health on the right track.
To give you a head start, this book has been written to teach you the meaning and importance of clean eating. It provides you with simple recipes that can be adapted to enhance good health.
The book has been designed to facilitate easy reading and you will find it simple to navigate through the different chapters.

Free on 11th - 15th Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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