Good news for the brain
Experience v. Biology is an old, and now meaningless,polarization.
Neuroplasticity is the term for recent neuroscience discoveries that
the brain makes physical changes whenever we learn – these changes
can include wiring and firing patterns of neuronal networks, and even
creation of new brain neurons, long after we have supposedly been given
our “full” allotment of 100 billion neurons by post adolescence . Neuroimaging tools for seeing the live working brain reveal specific brain structures that drive our thinking and behavior. The brain is a command/control system that, most of the time, runs on automatic, without conscious direction. However, these tools also show that consciousness gives us a special power, the power of free will ; we have the ability to take deliberate decisions that cause durable, physical changes in the brain . We are more than robotic expressions of electro-chemical processes. This book describes both the powers and limitations of will-power in helping us run our lives in healthy and satisfying ways.
Neuroplasticity- Biology of Psychotherapy: Learning always involves durable biological brain changes
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