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Free on 13th - 17th Oct 16
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You may not know it, but people all over the world are discovering that weight loss is not as difficult as they may have once thought. People are beginning to learn some of the secrets contained within this book and the recipes for success. I thought that I would detail the secrets in one place so that people of all ages can pick up the book and read when they feel that the pounds are creeping back on. If you keep your weight under control using these techniques, you may find that it’s the end of yo-yo dieting, forever. It may also mean changes in your lifestyle that will help you to keep the pounds off.

Most people already know how they gained the pounds they did. If you are honest about it, you will find that there are certain things that you have allowed to become part of your lifestyle that you know to be bad for you. Unfortunately, these are the very things that you enjoy the most. Most everyone likes chocolate. Most everyone likes white bread and cakes, but did you know that you don’t actually have to give up all of those things you enjoy just to lose weight? You don’t! The secrets contained in this book allow you a little leverage. You can swap things that you normally eat or drink with alternatives that are just as satisfying and still lose the pounds.

Over the course of the past two years, I have advised people on nutrition and have found that they respond well to the kind of suggestions I have made. These are not suggestions that change their lifestyles to such an extent that they feel they are being restricted. That’s where mistakes are made. The moment you make someone feel that they have to give up something they enjoy, they will retaliate. However, give them a viable alternative and they can still enjoy their lives without feeling that everything they eat is adding on extra weight.
Here is a preview of what you’ll learn…..

Facing Facts
Take pounds off with your underwear!
Get rid of baggy clothing
Secrets to Losing Weight
Making an alternative drink that is up to 90 calories less
Sugar free gum and its usefulness
Reading wrappers and labels
Big Secret!
Why We Crave Food
Take action now and get this book

Free on 13th - 17th Oct 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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