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Free on 22nd - 26th Oct 13
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OMSD is an Amazon Best Seller in Parenting, family relations, child rearing and fathering categories. In the first twelve years of life, the habits, beliefs and mindset of our children are being formed! The book teaches handing the present and future proofing from numerous challenges that kids face these days as they grow.

The book gives simple tools and things that can be said or done in just a minute a day, which if done consistently strongly bonds the kids and makes them feel very confident. Children can be inspired and their behaviour, mindset and habits formed, will serve them a lifetime.

Inspire your kids to a whole new level, lack of time no longer being a factor. This Best Seller is an outcome of five years of passionate work, research, interviews & real life experiences to help busy fathers. Written by a Medical Doctor with contributions from Three New York Times Best Selling Authors:

Dr John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

Sharon Lechter (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

Raymond Aaron (Chicken Soup for Parents Soul);

along with numerous top parenting, psychology, children & relationship experts and celebrities, this is a 100-ish page, ground-breaking book which helps busy fathers use the very few minutes they have with their kids to drop down accuracy and effectiveness.  Enjoying their present, fathers can inspire kids in every sphere of their lives by using these simple planned tools. It is a must have if your kids are less than 12 years old.

Watch the intro of the book at www.oneminutesuperdad.com

And Caring Moms!!! — The power of what Dads say to their kids is often vastly under-estimated. Get this book for your partners

Few of the Rave Reviews from Renowned Experts and Leaders:

“If every parent can read this book, the world will be a different place.”

James Michael Lafferty: Former CEO of Coca Cola and also Proctor & Gamble.

Follow the advice in this book, and your kids will remember the special moments with their superhero dad for the rest of their lives.”

Stephanie Hale, Author of Millionaire Women, Millionaire You. 

“Every Dad owes it to their child to buy this breakthrough work.”

Craig Richards, Senior Mentor, the Anthony Robbins Companies.

“A triumphant must-read and salvation to all father who love their families.”

Vincent Wong, CEO, Wealth Dragons.

“The book will help parents understand that some things need to be taught from childhood.”

Sharon Lechter, Co-Author of New York Times bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad and former member of President George Bush’s counsel on financial literacy.

“I felt out of control so often. The book has helped me to re-connect and enjoy my present with the kids.”

Mark Botley, Barrister.

Free on 22nd - 26th Oct 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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