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‘Our beliefs shape the destiny of our lives by creating the circumstances that we experience in them.’

Lucid Dreaming is a little-known phenomenon, where a person wakes up within a dream and is then able to influence what is happening within it by using thoughts, feelings and mental images.

Take a journey into the mind of the author who accidentally woke up within his dream one night, and stumbled upon principles that allowed him to attract circumstances of his own choosing in his waking life.

Our beliefs are powerful beyond our imagination and this book looks at them in great detail. It also examines the source of our existence and how we create our own reality.

In essence our potential is limitless, but in order to fulfil it we must believe that it is possible. We have to have faith that things will change for the better and that we can influence that change.

Based on his lucid dreaming adventures, and using some of his own personal life experiences as examples, the author writes about practical principles on how our emotions act like magnets attracting our thoughts and mental visions into our physical reality in the form of people; events, and circumstances based on the beliefs that we hold about our physical reality.

Ultimately, we all have the power to consciously attract into our lives whatsoever our hearts desire; all we have to do is believe that it is possible.

Free on 30th Mar 17
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