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Free on 13th - 17th Mar 16
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How to Outline, Structure and Easily Write a Book in 30 Days Even IF You Have a Full Time Job Or Don’t Have the Slightest Clue How to Get Started. Outline To Ending breaks it down into bite-sized pieces to keep your time productive and your thoughts organized

Let’s say you want to write a nonfiction book in a month. For argument’s sake, let’s also say that you only have a few hours to work on it every day and you’ve never written a book before.

At this point, you’re probably wondering to yourself if that’s even possible or if you are just setting yourself up for failure.

Well, let me relieve your mind by saying…

YES it ISdefinitely possible, even if you’ve never written a book before!

What’s more is that in 30 days, you can write a damn good book that can generate a healthy passive income stream for you.

Professional writers (now we are speaking mostly about non-fiction writers) know that the secret to writing a well thought-out structured book quickly is to stay on point so your readers won’t get angry or bored with your writing.

By following Outline To Ending, I will show you the exact methods professional writers use and how you can duplicate these techniques again and again and again.

Outline To Ending breaks the writing process down into steps, with timing and limits to place on yourself to keep you laser-focused on your goal.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn:

Discover techniques for mining your existing knowledge base

How to stay laser-beamed focused regardless of your surroundings

Investigate research and market evaluation techniques

How to write several chapters even when you’re strapped for time.

Learn about the common traps that can kill a book before it’s written

Activate a Foolish Friend to make your work shine

And much, much more!

If you’ve always wanted to write your own book but always thought it would take too long, or you’d have to dedicate your entire life to it, then here’s your chance to take your idea from Outline To Ending in just 30 Days!

Free on 13th - 17th Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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