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Free on 24th - 28th Nov 13
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Are you looking for ways to improve your athletic performance?

If so, you need to give the Paleolithic diet a chance. With my paleo diet cookbook for athletes, people can achieve incredible physical condition in short order.

These easy recipes are ideal for athletes who never cooked paleo or don’t have much cooking experience of any kind.

Worldwide, the athletic community is buzzing with interest in the Paleolithic diet. Though newly popular, the paleo diet involves returning to the traditional diet of our common ancestors. In ancient times, early humans picked natural foods that maximized energy, strength and endurance.

As a result, ancient hunting-and-gathering societies were typified by vigorous, long-lived people. As humanity settled into sedentary communities and moved away from their roots, processed foods and dairy products become the order of the day. Today, people with modern diets are increasingly vulnerable to obesity, diabetes and other diseases of affluence.

With my paleo cookbook, you will learn how easy it is to prepare meals with simple, natural ingredients. Industrial food processors remove much of the nutritional value from human dietary staples.

Through natural foods and my new cookbook, you can experience a new world of physical fitness. In addition to providing tasty, user-friendly recipes, this book covers the essential, proven benefits of the paleo lifestyle. Importantly, the book also details how the typical modern diet is letting athletes down.

Many aspiring athletes experience disappointment when they can’t even approach the accomplishments of their athletic peers. It is critical to realize that leaders in many different sports use the paleo diet to maximize their inherent abilities.

People who aren’t fully familiar with the paleo diet may feel that the diet is overly restrictive. On the contrary, this diet includes so many foods that one can follow the diet for years while experiencing great variety.

Ideal for athletes and non-athletes alike, the paleo diet is a critical tool for people who feel held back from physical goals. It is my fervent hope that each and every athlete can experience the tremendous benefits of the paleo diet.

With this cookbook, am I hope to do my part to spread the word about a diet that can change lives for the better.

Free on 24th - 28th Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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