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Free on 7th - 11th Apr 16
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This book has actionable information on how to raise your kids without yelling or punishing.

Parenting is one of the best, most fulfilling jobs in the world. Children brighten your day; as your child grows and matures, if you ace your parenting job, you child grows into a companion whom brings in a different personality into your house. Sounds like all roses and petals right. Well it is not.

Parenting is a full time job that requires dedication and a lot of behavioral control. Our morally crippled world does not make it any easier to raise morally adept, holistically healthy children. In fact, the society we live in today increases the challenge of parenting. The morally deficient society we live in today expects your child to pick up undesirable behavior from peers (the notion of peer pressure), siblings, or even from you: the parent.

As a way of rectifying this situation, parents have turned to using various disciplinary measures such as punishing their children or yelling at their children. It is true: children need discipline if they are to lead a morally upright life but before you take to a specific disciplinary method such as yelling and punishing your child, you must first ask yourself a few questions. “Is yelling and punishing my child the ideal way to deal with my child’s bad behavior; will yelling, and punishing my child teach my child anything about being a morally upright individual?”

This book has all those answers. This book dedicates its pages to showing you how to raise happy, selfless, strong, and great kids who have a healthy self-esteem and a high IQ without necessarily punishing or shouting at them. Open your mind and let us start this journey together.

Free on 7th - 11th Apr 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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