
Free on 26th - 30th Mar 16
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William Peter Guthrie and his sister Lydia and cousin Molly, embark on the adventure of a lifetime and begin a quest to find the most precious treasure of all. Sailing to the West Indies in hopes of solving a puzzling riddle, the Guthries believe the riddle’s answer is the key to uncovering an even bigger secret. Aboard ship, learning to sail, meeting new exciting folk and native Ameri-Indians on journey, William is discovering more about himself everyday, and looking forward to reaching the island where he and his family believe the heart of their quest is hidden. When a band of pirates, takes over their ship, their adventure takes an unexpected turn and the Guthries are forced to summon every ounce of courage they can, to stay the course of their great and noble quest.

Peter and the Band of Pirates is a PETER PAN origin story . . . Who was Peter, before he was a boy in NEVERLAND, leading a band of lost boys? Why does Peter fight Pirates? Where did Peter come from? Who were the pirates, before arriving on a mysterious island called Neverland?

“Peter and the Band of Pirates” is also a coming of age story, a family’s story, a sea story, and a pirate tale, full of danger, pirates, Indians, treasure hunting and mystery.

The story takes place in 1720 and so it is also an historical adventure that includes the Age of Sail and the Age of Piracy and actual pirates that roamed the seas and events at that time. It is a realistic tale, rather a Hollywood spectacle and a true action adventure.

Young William Peter has a strong personality and his sister and cousin are strong female characters and are just as present as Peter, so the story should satisfy male and female readers alike of any age over nine or ten.

The ebook is longer than the average ebook, but it is an easy read and no longer than some of the Harry Potter books. While the first book in the series is without fairy dust and magic, it does hint at the origins of magic and how magic grows out of wonder; as the story progresses, one starts to see how an ordinary boy just might become Peter Pan.

action, adventure, pirates, coming of age, sea story, sea stories, sea adventures, women’s adventure, boy’s adventure, men and boys, Neverland, Peter Pan, historical, fantasy, mystery, mysteries, fairy tales, fairies, children’s, teen, treasure, treasure island, island, ships, sailing, West Indies, Caribbean, Indians, Amerindians, quest, mythology, classics, expedition, exploration, Age of Sail, Age of Piracy,

Free on 26th - 30th Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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