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Pages: 70

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude!

Express your Inner Gratitude and receive Deep Wisdom and Inner Peace!

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude will help you to express your inner gratitude, and recognize the abundance within your world. These positive affirmations for gratitude have been written especially for you to use on a daily basis to enable you to recognize the wonderful and good things in your life. It is important to offer gratitude on a daily basis, as being grateful opens the door for you to experience deep contentment and inner wisdom.

These wonderful affirmations will bring you happiness, and inner peace and calm. You will learn to operate from a position of love deep at the core of your being, and you will recognise and truly appreciate the little things in life, and all the simple pleasures which give you so much joy on a day to day basis.

Caroline Kingsbury’s message to you is “I genuinely want to help you become truly happy, fulfilled and successful, in all areas of your life”. Gratitude affirmations allow you to express your thanks and appreciation of the good things in your life. When you are deeply grateful you bring awareness to the experience of living, and you access a deeper and more spiritual way of being. You will connect with the essence of the universe, and learn to let go of the things in your life which no longer matter to you.

Learn to Appreciate your Life!

Use these strong and powerful affirmations to allow yourself to open to a new way of living, bringing gratitude to the centre of your being. It really is possible to be truly, deeply happy, and these positive affirmations will help you access the deeper wisdom of the universe through the offering of gratitude and thanks. When you are grateful you send a clear message to the universe that you understand and appreciate the life that you lead. The universe in turn will provide you with more opportunities to be grateful, and more abundance will flow into your life.

Live in a Flow of Constant Gratitude!

With gratitude comes the ability to reflect on your life, and to appreciate the things that truly matter. So much of life can be peripheral to the core things that give you the greatest joy. Offering gratitude enables you to see clearly what matters in your life, and helps you to reflect on these and to reset your priorities, focussing on what really matters to you. Adopting gratitude as your way of life, will give you balance and a feeling of deep inner calm, and you will release negative energy, feel happier and more in control of your own life.

I have written these positive affirmations especially for you to use exactly as they are. Training your thought processes to have thoughts based on offering gratitude is an important first step on your journey. You will be able to repeat these positive affirmations for gratitude every day, so that you can go forward and make the most out of every thought that you have, by ensuring that you thoughts are focused on offering gratitude for all the good things that happen to you throughout your day.

Offering gratitude will help you to let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that hold you back. You will learn to focus on what truly matters to you, and when you are grateful for the important things in your life, you will start to feel calm and balanced, as you align your priorities to your true intentions.

Being grateful will bring you a deep sense of calm and purpose, and as you look about and see all the great and wonderful things in your life on a daily basis, you will experience deep and lasting joy.

You will become content and happy, with clarity and inner wisdom which shows you what is truly important to you. You will learn that affirmations can help you to heal yourself, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally, a

Free on 20th - 24th Sep 13
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