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Prayer For Beginners – The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Praying And Connecting With God

As Christians, we all believe in the supernatural power, some power beyond our normal understanding, the compelling reason as to why there is life and death, why we feel pain and experience joy all the same. We believe in God as our Father and the Bible as our light towards a fulfilling life and more so in God being the author of our lives, the sole controller of life and death.

As the holy book advises that we seek and we shall find, ask and we shall be given, this very assurance comes from God the giver of all things. Prayer comes into being when we understand that it is not by chance that we live, but solely by the grace of God. As prayer is known to have power to even move mountains, it beats logic that anyone would choose to live a life of no prayer.

While many people understand the importance of prayer and would love to pray and even develop a habit of praying at least daily, many of us are still unable to even pray for two minutes daily. Why is this so? In most cases, we are usually so distracted with our daily activities, problems and worries that we are unable to simply lock out the world and concentrate on praying for just a few minutes. Are you having a hard time praying? If yes, this is the perfect book for you.

This book will help you understand what is prayer, why pray, how to pray effectively and nurture a habit of praying. After reading this book, you will know how best to pray and you will no longer have a problem saying a five minute prayer daily; actually, prayer will come naturally to you. Read on for a deeper insight on Prayer, the ultimate key to all of our needs.

Here Is A Short Preview Of What You Can Expect To Learn:

Definition Of PrayerWhy PrayWhich Is The Best Way To PrayHow To Improve Effectiveness of PrayerWhat Is The Right Mindset To Have When PrayingHow To Nurture A Habit Of PrayingHow To Pray Even When You Don’t Feel Like ItAnd much, much more!

To learn more about Prayer, download your copy of this book now!

Download your copy today!

Free on 29th Dec 16
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