Praying through faith is not just to get what you want out of life, but it is particularly for those moments when you don’t get what you want. Tough circumstances will arise, but they are no match for the inner strength and faith that resides inside of you! Living “faithless” is a self-destructive disease. Prayer cracks open doors; but hardcore faith pushes any door wide open. In this book there are 31 days of God inspired, fervent and passionate prayers, with extra writing space for journal notes inside. It is time to shift and move away from negative thinking and troubled times. Don’t look to man for the answers! With all the violence, crime and political unrest that plagues our country, we must turn back to prayer! Exercise your faith through God inspired actions that include prayer and elevating your faith level. Discover God’s formula for life’s challenges! Prayer, plus faith does equal miracles!
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
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