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Psilocybin: Magic Mushrooms for the Mind

Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, Mac, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!

Whatever your link or interest to psilocybin – whether it’s for recreational purposes, for spiritual motives, or research-driven reasons – this book explores all the aspects behind this psychedelic compound.

Do you want to discover the difference between psilocybin and magic mushrooms?

Are you curious about the history this naturally occurring chemical has and its role in humanity?

Do you want to explore the use of psilocybin in ritual and ceremonial use?

In this book, I will unveil the complex and intricate story of psilocybin from its history dating back thousands of years to its groundbreaking potential as a treatment for mental disorders. I also will provide you with information on the effects of psilocybin and its potential dangers, as well as lay out the laws surrounding the compound in several countries across the world. I believe that those who wish to engage in recreational use can do so safely and legally. You just need to be equipped with the right information, which I will give you here.

One of the most exciting aspects of psilocybin, in my opinion, is its ability to significantly reduce some of the worst mental disorders people face. I have spent hours researching the works of celebrated scientists to discover more about this natural compound. I decided to gather my findings and present a comprehensive guide to psilocybin for anyone interested in what this psychedelic substance can do for people.

I love the newfound respect I have for the humble psilocybin mushroom and how it can be so significant in shaping our culture, our minds, our health, and our politics. For a small plant, it has had a tremendous effect on our lives, and with the new research that is being conducted, its positive contributions are only bound to grow.

Here’s a preview of what’s included:

What is psilocybin?
What’s the difference between psilocybin and magic mushrooms?
The history of psilocybin
Psilocybin in religion
Who uses psilocybin?
The effects of psilocybin
Psilocybin’s future in science and medicine
Where to find psilocybin and its costs
Psilocybin retreats
And much, much more!

Get your copy today!

Free on 21st - 25th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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