The book „How to build self-confidence“ offers 19 tips – activities based on the knowledge of psychology, whose implementation can help you boost your self-confidence. It is designed for those who want to do something towards building their self-confidence without paying for the services of a psychologist or a psychotherapist. It is a good guide for those who want to do something more and better than what they have already achieved in their life, who want to exploit their full potential and achieve more success at work, studies, in love, marriage and parenting. On the one hand, this manual describes daily problems in life which are a direct consequence of the lack of self-confidence. On the other hand, it provides detailed guidance by which a person should manage their life in order to boost their self-confidence, and draws attention to the benefits of being self-confident. This guide is a result of six years of experience which the author gained during her work as a psychologist, giving advice and searching for a solution to a wide range of problems people are beset with.
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