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Public Speaking Magic contains a proven step by step strategies to overcome public speaking anxiety, panic and fear.

In this book you will discover how to take mastery in public speaking in just few steps to enable you build maximum success in just few seconds.

This is a work book with a break down step by step telling you on what to do at each step. And at the end of each step contains exercise you must carry out to achieve maximum success with this book.

Also in this book you will discover how I went from panic and fear freaking idiot to a motivational speaker. And how you too can achieve success just like anyone else by overcoming things holding you back such as fear, emotions, body language, thoughts, beliefs and much more.

This book contains 4 different parts such as preparation, before presentation, presentation, and after presentation. And each part contains basic steps that will walk you through what’s necessary at each stage with an action plan to carry out.

Here is a preview of the book…


Why public speaking is scary, and the science behind it

Overcoming and curing fear of public speaking


Before presentation


After presentation


And much more

After reading this book you’ll be able to take mastery of public speaking, overcome fear, and any emotion attributed to public speaking.

Take action right away by downloading this The public speaking magic a limited time discount of only $0.99

Free on 5th - 9th Mar 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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