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Free on 18th - 22nd Mar 14
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* New Puppy Checklist

* Puppy Development Guide – Puppy 101 For Dog Lovers: The Secrets To Puppy Training Without Force, Fear, and Fuss

* Puppy Training In A Nutshell: Success In 12 Min!

You don’t need a kindle – simply click the link on the right to download a FREE Reading app

Getting a Puppy? – Get this bundle and relax.

From the Editor:

This is Edition 10 of the biggest and best puppy information package on the market, readers said. If you look at the reviews of each of these books you will discover what you’ve missed. This is not some marketing-guru-turned wannabe dog trainer or certified dog whisperer or similar bullshit producer. This is serious canine insight – but not dry at all. Because it’s written by Tim. Meet Tim Carter, founder of mygermanshepherd.org, the largest breed authority site in the world. If there’s dog expertise anywhere you normally look, it’s here where you look now.

Your past focus on the household names in the dog business made you blind for the real gems among all the dog books on the market. These gems don’t come from the dog entertainers you see on TV. These gems you have to discover. They are what gems are: rare.

Hear what Tim says: “If you buy into the ‘3F’ training approaches (Force, Fear, Foods) of the famous or not-so-famous dog entertainers:

o then you prevent a great relationship with your puppy

o and you prevent that your dog can become your soulmate

o and you risk that your adult dog later ends up in the shelter!

You choose. Choose wisely.”

And: “Treat Training is NO dog training. A five-year old can do that! That is NO skill! You shouldn’t pay anything to anyone who treat-trains your dog! You waste your money and your dog’s love! Why??”

I say: Because you are stuck. Stuck in believing that what you see, hear, and read from the famous dog whisperers, dog listeners, and other circus clowns must be good. Hey, why wouldn’t it be good, if everyone is doing it, it must be good!

You know what? Not everyone is doing that. Far from it. There is a secret underground movement of dog lovers in the world who train their puppies and adult dogs very different indeed. No force, no fear, no fuss. No kicking, no hitting, no poking in the ribs, no rattling by the collar, no yelling, no threatening arm raised, no pulling, no pushing, no training collar gadgets, no treat training. Instead: Behavior Training. And their puppies and adult dogs behave the way the dog owners want: well! Either you join them now, or you remain stuck. Stuck in the marketing propaganda of the dog entertainers.

Safely introducing a new dog into your life improves your home and family relationships in ways beyond imagination. If you do it right, this will be without problems. If you do it wrong, your problems increase every day. While you have a puppy, you may feel challenged but you can probably bear it. While by the time your puppy becomes an adult dog, you may already feel at your wits end. Every year, millions such adult dogs end up in the shelters and high kill kennels across the world. Because their owners can’t handle the dog anymore.

Now with this Puppy Love Bundle you can. Because with this, you learn how to behave with dogs for mutual benefit. The easy way. The pleasant way. Every puppy can be developed to become the dog we want. Without applying force, without raising fear, and without giving food treats to lure or bribe the dog. This Puppy Love Bundle solves your puppy problems right now. This bundle is a unique approach to develop your puppy to become the dog you want. A Puppy Bundle for dog lovers. You are a dog lover, aren’t you?

As a bundle you save $$ if you get this today.

Free on 18th - 22nd Mar 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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