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Puppy Training Handbook – 27 Effective Skills for Training Your Puppy In 10 Days With Crate Training, Obedience Training, Potty Training And Barking

Anyone can get a puppy, but training it to be your true, loyal and obedient friend is the key to a stress-free relationship with your pet. Now that you have a puppy, what next? Do you start cleaning fesses from everywhere in the house every day for the rest of your life? Do you have to figure out a way of withstanding the constant barking even at night? Do you get to constantly apologize to anyone who comes visiting simply because the dog is irritating them by trying to jump on them or even bite them? Also, how do you get used to you puppy following you around everywhere you go, even to the bathroom and kitchen? Are you ready to live that kind of lifestyle? I highly doubt that you adopted that nice little pet in order to go through the hassle of dealing with dog poop & pee, constant barking even when there is nothing to bark about, constant whining when you leave him alone and other annoying behaviors that might make you have a strained relationship with the neighbors and anyone who comes visiting.

So, what do you do about that? The answer is pretty much simple; you have to train your puppy on everything that you want him to do and everything that you want him to stop so that you can start enjoying the benefits of having that pet in your house. Isn’t that why we get pets in the first place? They’re amazing companions who love unconditionally. That’s why we must train them first.

This book will teach you how to train your newly adopted puppy so that he or she can grow to be the most well behaved pet that you have ever seen. In this book, you will learn how to potty train your puppy, train the dog how to sit, train him how to obey you, train him on proper barking manners and crate train him so that you can derive the most benefits of owning a pet. This book will break all the steps into a 10-day activity to make it easier for you to train your dog and to not overwhelm you puppy with too much information.

This book is a must-read for all the new puppy owners, remember it is easier to train your dog good habits than to later break bad ones. So take the effort to train your canine friend and I promise you that you won’t regret it in the long run.

Here Is A Preview Of What You Can Expect To Learn:

How Dogs LearnHow To Train Your Puppy ObedienceHow To Potty Train Your PuppyHow To Crate Train Your PuppyHow To Train Your Puppy On Proper Barking MannerismsHow To Guarantee Effectiveness When Training Your Puppy27 Effective Skills For Training Your Puppy Anything You Want In Just 10 DaysAnd much, much more!

To learn more about how to train your puppy, download your copy of this book now!

Download your copy today!

Free on 10th - 14th Oct 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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