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Welcome, as you start your journey with a new friend – your PUPPY!

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Do you have a brand new puppy who you adore?

Are you excited about training your bundle of joy but just don’t know where to start?

Do you even know why you should train your puppy?

If you are looking for straight forward training methods as well as reasons to do so than this ebook is for you.

Here you will find straightforward techniques that do not require any special equipment. All that is required is your time, commitment, and love for your puppy. If you feel that you are short on time take heart because the training exercise that we will learn are fast to perform and practice and that short training sessions are much better for your puppy than an exhausting all day training boot camp.

Even if you only have time for two 5 minute sessions per day- you will be pleased with how much you can accomplish using the techniques listed in this book.

The techniques you will learn in this book will help you with the fundamentals of obedience in your puppy. Inside you will find how to teach your puppy to recognize their name, come to you when you call their name, sit down, lay down, stay, and leave potentially dangerous items at your command. These 6 training sessions will prepare your puppy for polite and proper interaction with their surrounds, safeguard your puppy from harm, and give you ease of mind. All stress free.

Who needs a textbook when they are just starting out? You will find the chapters concise and targeted at teaching these beginning commands that will be useful throughout the duration of your puppy’s life.

Your puppy will bring you so much joy, energy, and companionship. You are wise to want to eliminate harmful behaviors from the very start of your relationship.

Together we will learn how to make training fun, build trust, and stimulate your puppy’s mind. Using positive reinforcement we will build directly on these elements and will reap positive tangible results. Be patient with your puppy, as each puppy is unique, has its own temperament and personality. Have realistic expectations and you won’t be disappointed.

This book is intended for the beginners. For the dog owners who have just started on their journey and have had no previous experience in training. Starting with the fundamentals will teach both the owner and the puppy the right training technique that will present real results in a step-by-step easy to understand manner.

Are you ready to start? You are so close to getting your bundle of energy to come to you when called, sit when told, and leave things alone upon your request.

***Limited Edition***

Download your copy today!

Tags: Training manual, Puppy Development, Training, Tracking, Retrieving, Biting, Crate Training, Puppy Training, Exercise, Dog Whisperer, Easy Dog Training, Potty Training, Housebreaking, House Breaking, House Training, Housetraining, Pack Leader, Dog Problems, Dog Psychology, Canine, Lie down, Sit, Not to jump, Teaching fetch, Digging, Dog Whisperer, Dog Problems, Psychology of Dogs, Canine, Potty Training, Obedience training, crate training, puppy training, dog training, mental leash control, pack puppy, trick training, dog therapy, dog sports, under control, mistakes, identity, retrieving, hunting, tracking, obedient, leash, stay, Animal care & pets, dogs, training, training manual, dog owners, physical fitness, dog walkers, doggy day care, breeds, care & health, dog tricks, chewing, teething, barking, nipping, playing, biting, vaccinating, vaccinations, housebreaking, puppy development, healthy dog, perfect dog, nutrition, mans best friend, veterinarian, doggy treats, breed, teething stage, correction stage, proofing stage, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, training in the household, behaved puppy, Cesar Milan

Free on 1st - 5th Jun 15
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