Rebel of Benaras is a riveting tale of a poor weaver’s son who is possessed by a deep longing to know the secret of all things.
Fifteenth century Benaras is a place where only right granted to masses is submission to religious authorities and ruling elite. At this point in history a twelve year old boy Kabir does the unthinkable. He begins to rebel against the age old traditions and orthodoxy, creating ripples of anger among the formidable religious circles.
His adoptive father Nur fears for the life of his beloved son. Kabir was no match against the powers that were ruthless against any disobedience. Seeking a diversion for the boy, Nur persuades him for an apprenticeship at cotton fields where he would learn the nuances of cotton growing and ultimately be a weaver who knew inside out of his craft.
The day he enters those fields, his life is set in a motion beyond his imagination. Here he would learn to listen to the voices of plants and rivers and forests and ultimately of silence. He would dive deep into the mysteries of inner space and walk the fiery terrain of his yearning to know the true meaning of his existence.
Enter this gripping tale and find the true meaning of living at edge, the dark night of the soul and the metamorphoses of human soul into its highest potential.
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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