
Free on 16th - 21st Sep 24
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Each year, this proudly Appalachian family went back home like lemmings over a cliff to visit, eat and drink too much and make sure the family bonds were still firmly in place. The ladies of the family made wonderful food, many of the traditional recipes from way before the Great Depression, from the Great War when ration cards were used; when people grew, brew and hunted their food The kids’ games never seemed to change but were loved just the same; as kids played, adults sat back and talked and gossiped; they admired their newest and mourned their dead. Elders were respected and someone always got stung by bees or fell into the pond. It was a time of innocence and joy; the world outside the hollow might be going to pieces but at the reunion with the old folks, it was gone and what remained was family. Enjoy some memories and stories and especially food with me as I walk this memorial path back to the land of my ancestors.

What people say about Traveler’s books:
” I definitely read her books and hope to read more; highly recommended.”

“J Traveler Pelton is an author I will continue to watch for as this series won’t be the only one of hers I’ll read. Recommended”
“Ms. Pelton also wrote a great series about the Oberllyn family and several other books. Even in her science fiction, the science makes sense. She is adept with her character building and is indigenous herself. Try this book.”
” I couldn’t put the book down and before I was halfway through it, bought the next two books. Great book!”

If you like old time experiences, family stories, great recipes and laughter, you will love this book! Get your copy today!

Free on 16th - 21st Sep 24
View on Amazon.co.uk


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