Martha Mathewson, a professor of psychology, was sure she knew who she was and what she believed in. For years she belittled her soon to be ex-husband, a revered astrophysicist, over his passion for the quantum universe, and the little green men, and the star civilizations they come from. But when Don Mathewson suddenly dies, when she finds out he was murdered, his files have been targeted, and she’s in danger, life as she’s known it becomes upended.
As Martha is inexorably drawn into Don’s world, a world which includes shadowy covert operatives, her daughter has joined her, and a small metal ball discovered in Don’s old oak desk (a ball which emits a bluish halo in the dark, dances to jazz, and communicates telepathically) is talking to her, saying it needs her help.
In this new confusing life, Martha is being forced to abandon old beliefs about the nature of reality while also trying to stay alive.
During this well-researched, highly engaging, as well as sweet story, you’ll read how Martha meets up with people who intimate that we’re similar to ET’s – that in truth we too are multidimensional beings living in a multidimensional universe as quantum scientists and the researchers of consciousness are finding out. Are ETs coming to Earth to have us acknowledge our true and very powerful nature?
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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