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Reflexology For Beginners

Ancient Foot and Hand Reflexology Techniques

Learn How To Use Ancient Foot and Hand Reflexology Techniques Using Reflexology Charts To Relieve Pain, Cleanse Your Body and Improve Your Health

The study of reflexology has been around for thousands of years and it has been proven to help those suffering from pain and stress to live getter lives. This is not a substitute for traditional medicines; rather is a supplement to those medicines to help patients better cope.

By following reflexology and using it correctly there are so many things it can help with including back aches, headaches, toothaches, colds, sore throats, knee pain, stomach problems, kidney problems, and the list goes on and on. When you see the hand and foot charts for the first time showing the nerve paths to the rest of the body, you will be shocked.

Learn about how far back in history this goes and how it was brought into the modern world by medical pioneers. Get an understanding of how it affects the different systems of the body and the fundamentals that make it work.

As you progress through the book and begin to learn about techniques for common problems expand your mind and work on your body they way only you know it needs to be worked on. There is no one else that understands your body like you. You don’t have to have pain to use reflexology there are reflexes that will just in general help you have a healthier body and mind.

Once you learn the fundamentals and the techniques offered in this book you will want to share this with your friends and family. So without further ado; happy reading and happy health!

In this book you’ll learn:

The history and basics of Reflexology

Core benefits of Reflexology and how it can help you

Understanding how Reflexology works on your body

The effects of Reflexology on skeletal and muscular systems

The effects of Reflexology on nervous and circulatory systems

Cure for headaches and migraines from Foot Reflexology

Gaining weightloss from Foot Reflexology

Cure for constipation and cold from Foot Reflexology

Relief from menstrual cramps, hip pain through hand Reflexology

Improve blood pressure, tooth ache and better sleep through hand Reflexology

Tons of DIY techniques

Get Your Copy Now: Scroll Up and Click on Buy Now Button!

Free on 1st Apr 15
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