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Free on 2nd - 6th May 18
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Use These Powerful Hacks to Immediately Attract and Retain the Partner You Desire Today

We often don’t know what we want, but want others to meet our needs, and we hope for the perfect partner. But what do we really know about ourselves and our needs? How can we identify someone who fits our needs, and how can we communicate our needs to them?, Most of us repeat our mistakes, finding ourselves often in the same mediocre relationship. Trial and error will slow us down, but seeking knowledge will fast-track smarter decision-making.
This quick read presents eighteen critical principles to better understand what we want, how to attract it, and how to keep it. It is designed to read a page per day, and presents suggested homework to immediately put these hacks to good use.
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Sample chapter:
If you were about to start a seven-day trek through the jungles in New Guinea, would you initially arrange to have a map or consult a guide? It makes sense to ask questions about expected weather conditions to equip yourself with tools that could help you on the journey. Romantic relationships are no different. We need to ask smart questions to understand what to expect and whether a partner’s values and goals align with our own (Evans, 2008).

As we get to know a prospective partner, we should ask ourselves, how do they treat others? Does he or she take responsibility and accountability for their own emotions and actions, or do they blame others? Does our partner value learning and growing as an individual? Learn about other people’s opinions of the person, and whether they respect and trust them. Additionally, we should ask ourselves whether we would actually maintain a friendship with the person if they were not our lover (Evans, 2008). Be as objective as possible in determining whether to invest several years or more of our life with this person.

Suggested homework:
Ask smart questions to determine whether a lover truly has similar values and goals to your own.

This book will help you better understand the psychology to relationships, as well as better understand ourselves presented in easy to understand steps. Download this book today.

About the Author:

My interest in love perhaps begun through personal experience, dating and disappointment. It’s not that former partners were all bad experiences. In fact, I’ve had some great past relationships.

About two years ago, I began asking questions, like, why did my passionate relationship turn into a friendship and nothing more? Is it ‘fluke chance’ to find a partner that you continue to desire? Is there a pattern to fulfilling and lasting relationships, and can self-awareness and relationship advice actually change my relationship patterns? I had always thought that finding the ‘perfect person’, the ‘one’, was itself the challenge.

My job brought me to S. Korea, and soon I began a blog, http://travelandtash.com/, documenting my travel adventures. But soon, my blog began discussing relationships, dating, and love http://travelandtash.com/sex-and-love-female-observations/, as I was determined to understand why most people have mediocre romantic relationships, while a tiny handful maintain passionate ones.

Recently, and particularly since beginning a new relationship myself, I decided now was the time to not only educate myself better, but also to help others by breaking down critical rules and redirecting focus from ‘searching for someone’ to improving self-awareness and communication so that we are true ready for dating, love, and maybe even marriage, and have a real chance at f

Free on 2nd - 6th May 18
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