
Free on 13th - 17th Mar 17
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Diabetes has reached epidemic levels with 9.3% of Americans over the age of 18 suffering with diabetes and according to the World health organization (WHO) 8.5% of the world population suffer with diabetes! These are ridiculous figures and clearly diabetes is out of control. But what can we do about it?

Diabetes is a complex health condition because diabetes can be split between type 1 which is genetically predetermined and it originates in childhood and appears to be unpreventable and type 2 diabetes which appears during adulthood and is a mix of genetics and lifestyle. So in answer to the question what can we do about diabetes, there is no clear cut answer as some people develop diabetes against all odds largely because of their genetics, however, for most of us we can either prevent diabetes from developing or at the very least we can reverse the symptomology of diabetes.

Either way if you are prediabetic, a full blown type 1 diabetic or a full blown type 2 diabetic it’s obvious that you would like to reverse your diabetes. Allopathic healthcare tends to suggest that there’s not much which you can do except to get on with your diabetes and make a good effort to cope with it. However, it is possible to reverse diabetes in the case of prediabetics and moderate diabetes and even in late stage type 2 diabetes or full blown type 1 diabetes, it is possible to go a long way towards normalising your blood sugar levels. So don’t accept your diagnosis and leave it at that, rather you can take steps towards recovery.

Is recovery guaranteed?

Of course not, after all diabetes effects 8% of the world’s adult population, so there is a wide range of degeneration present in diabetics. So maybe you can reverse diabetes completely or maybe you can just greatly improve your diabetes. So what have you got to lose?

In this book we look at the basic advice which your doctor will give you and then we add in several layers of strategies which will help you make a big difference to your diabetes. The strategies included are:

oGeneral diet advice
oGeneral exercise advice
oSupplements which can help you
oSuper foods which can help you
oTraditional Chinese Medicine
oTaoist yoga techniques
oHatha yoga techniques
oPranayama (breathing) techniques

Diabetes is a degenerative health condition which can be tackled by working on rebuilding the energetic balance within your body and also making a point of following a healthy diet and living an active lifestyle.

In particular the strategies which are outlined in detail in this book will help to lessen the potential long-term organic damage from developing and secondly it will help to reverse the symptoms of diabetes.

Don’t just take your diabetic pills or insulin, take a look at this book and integrate some of these strategies as you can either improve your diabetes or in some cases maybe even fully reverse your diabetes. Don’t wait, get started today and start living a healthier more normal lifestyle!

Free on 13th - 17th Mar 17
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