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Welcome to the Realm of the Roman Empire!

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Are you curious about the world around you?

Would you like to know about the origins of western civilization?

Are you interested in knowing about the ancient world and what impact it has on your life?

Would You Like To Know What It Takes To Earn The Name Augustus?

If your answer to any one of these questions is a resounding yes, then Ancient Rome is the book for you.

The Ancient Romans have always fascinated modern historians. From the time of the “rediscovery” of the Roman Civilization between the 14th and 17th centuries, historians have been in awe of the complexity of their society, their origins, and their decline. All of these have been subject to debate in the past, but now you have a chance to get some clarity on the issue, and maybe understand the world we live in a little better.

The Roman Civilization heavily influenced western culture, and in this book, you shall find out the extent to which the Romans affected modern culture. You shall explore the different systems of Government that were put in place, go behind the scenes and find out a little bit more about the practices of the Roman senate and how it came to be one of the most central parts of the Civilization.

Ancient Rome takes a look at the different origin stories that there are about ancient Rome, and contrasts them with archaeological evidence that has been found on the same subject. It also looks at the challenges that the city faced as it began, and the different ways in which its founders populated it.

Ancient Rome tries to explore the little known facts about the first Kings of Rome, where they were from, how long their reign lasted, their achievements and failures and most of all, the advances each king made as he took over the throne of Rome.

The book also examines the rise and fall of the Roman Republic, and the political changes that took place in the years that followed the fall of the last Roman King such as the different posts that were created to fill the void left by the king and the impact they had on the senate.

Ancient Rome also looks at some of the conflicts that took place within the senate, the different disagreements between the Plebeians and the Patricians. This book examines the various ways that the senate found solutions to their problems, some of them more amicable than others.

This book will take you through a quick walk-through of the different dynasties that existed during in Empire, the various Emperors that ruled during that time, and the impact they had on the economy and culture.

You shall discover how each Emperor came to the throne and how each helped to expand the Roman Empire. You will also find out which Emperors did nothing at all and which Emperor is to blame for the decline of republican values.

Download Ancient Rome today, and open your mind to the different cultures and civilizations of the world.

***Limited Edition***

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Free on 28th - 30th Sep 15
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