An improbable killer. A stubborn detective. Misleading evidence.
Nothing is what it seems to be. A beheaded victim leads to revealing a sordid story. Throw a new crime in the middle, and you may get lost in the evidence.
Follow McNamara and his team in his quest to find a bold murderer. Even though many might think the killer should be decorated, McNamara must follow the letter of the law.
A shy love story seasons the darkness of the crimes.
If you love a good traditional crime story, then this is the book to you. Buy it and spend a nice afternoon – or two with a compelling and riveting story.
Artistic License to Kill (A Fine Art Mystery Book 1)
Catford Dogs: Conspiracy and murder throw PI Miles Askew into the jaws of South London gangland.
Grey Diamond: الماسة الرمادية
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