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Free on 3rd - 7th Sep 14
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A charming guy who was named Sean Derio told his story to his society for answering a question.

“Why have you been being alone for so long?”

And the story was begun at the time that he got a broken heart. His girlfriend had to marry a rich man to maintain her family’s finance. After that he decided to go away and join with a vaccine research team to help people in Phuket Island which were being invaded by a new strain rabies virus at that time. At the research center he met Pailin: a pretty and smart woman who was born by surrogacy after her mother died with cancer, and Shane: an attractive doctor who used to be a very poor orphan. And when the time passed by, Pailin, Shane and he became a close friend. Nevertheless, Shane and he had a secret relationship.

He told us. “It’s passionate, but quite strange.”

Then he paused with teary eyes.

Free on 3rd - 7th Sep 14
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