Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 29th Oct 17
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Bob Brown was born and raised in western Massachusetts (USA) and still resides in the city of his birth. He enjoys reading, writing and following sports – especially the NY Yankees. His favorite authors are Robert Frost, CS Lewis, Thomas Merton and Philip Yancey to name a few.

The time has come. After writing thousands of poems, “Seated Above, Looking Below” is Bobby Brown’s first published book of poetry. Nearly half of the book can be read interspersed throughout the year – with reflective poems written for each month, each season, and many of our cherished Holidays. In addition there are poems about sports, nature, some of Bob’s favorite places, society and spiritual thoughts.

Somewhere in my younger days, I had an experience with God. The Catholics would call it a “moment of clarity”, the Protestants, “an awakening”, and the Evangelicals, a “born again experience.” Whatever label you put on it, I felt renewed on the inside. Because we live in a world that will talk about anything except this experience. I went inward with it and began writing poetry. The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians that “in Christ you are enriched” and that, right there, is pretty much how I felt. My release came through my writing – not profound, but rather simple, creative and enriching.

The book moves the reader through peaceful real-life observations, painting pictures only possible through poetry, into deeper scriptural truths. This book will take you on a quiet but inspirational journey.

Bob has been writing poetry for over a decade. This is the first of several books to be published. “Seated Above, Looking Below” is available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KY44A2G.

I have heard the analogy of the iceberg many times, about how we only use about 1/10th of our deepest self. Most of the iceberg remains hidden deep below. Listening to God, meditating on His word and writing poetry allows me to tap into the lower regions of the iceberg. When we all tap into the lower part of the iceberg, we enjoy fellowship with one another and our spirituality. So, I invite you to enjoy this book and dive into your own inner depths.

Life Changing!
“I first heard Bobby Brown’s wonderful poetry at an Open Mic poetry reading. One evening while I was listening to him share his writings, he said some words that touched my heart and I realized that God used Bob to change my life forever. Bob’s words took me on a spiritual journey that led me to learn about my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus! Since that time we have become good friends and his poetry continues to bless my life and I’m sure it will edify everyone else who reads it.” – Rosemary M.

“I’ve read through Bob’s book a couple times now, and I just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed it. It’s so full of imagery and nostalgia, and really helps a person fondly remember past personal experiences. Bob really has a gift of clearly expressing doctrine through poetry in a clear and straightforward way, making it easy to understand and commit it to heart.” – Sharon S.

This book was a joy to read. I like the way in which it commenced with a drop of light heartedness touching on things like the seasons, the weather and nature then made a transition into more weighty spiritual matters. I could sense Bob’s faith through his poems and I could connect with many of his feelings towards Christianity, God’s flock and The Holy Scriptures. It is obvious to me through these poems that the author has done a great deal of soul searching. – Steve Brown

Author of “Lifestyle Worship – Poems, Prayers and Ministry Resources” and the “Worship Ideas You Can Use” BLOG

Free on 29th Oct 17
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