Is it destiny that triggers the evil in all hearts? The Vines of Fatum reveal an unfortunate destiny for the inhabitants of the land. The first known twins are born in the land, leaving their mother to have her soul depend on the life of a withering rose. Fortis, the king, has no option but to seek help from the Ape in the high mountains. Through the sky he sails along with two trusted warriors and a vampire assassin. Yet, the journey turns to be one of dread as their ship is demolished. Through the Forbidden Forest, they must venture to unravel the secrets preying upon the land where many a monster dwells. Fortis, Invicta, Sicarius, and Magni take a different path to uncover what once was and what shall be. The destiny lies within their hands, for the Vines of Fatum always gives hope.
Blood of Requiem (Song of Dragons Book 1)
The Eye of Nefertiti: A Pharaoh's Cat Novel
Bound by Charmed Shadows
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