
Free on 29th Mar 15 - 2nd Apr 15
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Attention: Women Who Are Absolutely Fed Up With Their Wardrobes!

Do You Have A Closet Full Of Clothes…But Still Have NOTHING To Wear??

What if you ditched all those unflattering outfits and replaced them with a carefully selected wardrobe that makes you feel great and LOOK FANTASTIC, no matter which outfit you choose?

Dear Friend,

If you’re sick of wanting to tear your hair out every time you open your closet, this may be the most exciting message you read this year.

Here’s why…

I’ve been working with women in your exact situation for the past 18 years, and, for the first time, I’ve put all the insider tips and techniques that I teach into a book called: Shape Issue – Fashion for Every Figure, From Size 0 to 20!

In it I lay bare all the trade secrets that designers, celebrities, models and actresses use to make themselves look fabulous. There’s a science to wearing the right clothes, and it’s about time people like you learned the truth behind looking good. Yes, hair and makeup are important, but if you don’t know how to choose clothes that work with your body and not against it, you can never hope to look your best.

Most women make one ill-informed decision after another when it comes to buying clothes

Whenever I visit a shopping mall, I’m appalled by the fashion mistakes most women make…

– pants that emphasize heavy thighs and buttocks

– colors that make them look old and tired

– skirt lengths that make them look short and dumpy

… the list goes on. It saddens me to realize how few women know the simple tricks to hiding figure flaws and looking their best, whether they’re dressing for a party or dashing off to the shops in a tracksuit to grab a few last-minute items for dinner.

What if you knew EXACTLY what to buy every time you went shopping for clothes?

Imagine that you have a foolproof checklist that you take with you into any clothing store. How much simpler would shopping become?

Then imagine opening the door of your closet and seeing a small collection of tops, shirts, skirts, jackets and pants that all work together to create a large range of different outfits, all of which flatter you by bringing out your best features.

Every time you buy something new, it works with other items in your wardrobe to create even more great looks. Casual wear, business clothes, evening wear, sporting gear – you’ll look great in all of them because you’ve learned the secret of buying the right pieces.

In just a few hours, you could be shopping for a whole new wardrobe with my book as your silent fashion consultant.

So why would you listen to me?

I must admit, I’ve been guilty of fashion mistakes myself in the past. Although I’ve always loved clothes and have chosen some beautiful outfits over the years, I had no idea how to dress to hide my figure flaws and maximize my good points. And the colors I chose were all wrong for my skin tone.

It was only after I met an image consultant that I saw where I was making mistakes. And I was so impressed with what she had to teach me that I enrolled in a course myself and became a professional. Without sounding too much like Mother Teresa, I love image consulting because it’s a way to genuinely help women feel better about themselves. The fact that I get paid is a bonus.

Teaching women how to look good just as they are is my passion. Grab the book today! It’s a small investment to feel and look fabulous!!!

Free on 29th Mar 15 - 2nd Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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