Table of stories
The golden bird(2)
Hans in luck(10)
Jorinda and jorindel(18)
The travelling musicans(23)
Old sultan(28)
The straw, the coal, and the bean(31)
Briar rose(33)
The dog and the sparrow(38)
The twelve dancing princesses(43)
The fisherman and his wife(49)
The willow-wren and the bear(57)
The frog-prince(61)
Cat and mouse in partnership(66)
The goose-girl(70)
The adventrues of chanticleer and partlet(79)
The valiant little tailor(98)
Hansel and gretel(109)
The mouse, the bird, and the sausage(119)
Mother holle(122)
Little red-cap ( litte read riding hood)( 127)
The robber bridegroom(133)
Tom thumb(139)
Clever gretel(152)
The old man and his grandson(155)
The little peasant(157)
Frederick and catherine(164)
Sweetheart roland(171)
The pink(185)
Clever elsie(191)
The miser in the bush(196)
The white snake(210)
The wolf and the seven little kids(216)
The queen bee(220)
The elves and the shoemaker(223)
The juniper-tree(226)
The turnip(239)
Clever hans(243)
The three languages(247)
The fox and the cat(251)
The four clever brothers(253)
Lily and the lion(259)
The fox and the horse(267)
The blue light(269)
The raven(275)
The golden goose(283)
The water of life(289)
The twelve huntsmen(298)
The king of the golden mountain(302)
Doctor knowall(310)
The seven ravens(313)
The wedding of mrs fox(317)
The salad(323)
The story of the youth who went
forth to learn what fear was(330)
King grisly-beard(342)
Iron hans(347)
Snow-white and rose-red(364)
Sergeant Smelly & Captain Chunder Save The Day
Princess Penny and the Whispering Tree: A Rhyming Children’s Book About Kindness, Acceptance, and Tr...
"Mystery Adventurers: The Secret of the Abandoned Mansion"
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