
Free on 20th - 24th Aug 15
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Big business, supermarkets and food corporations like you the way you are … FAT! But it’s in your best interests to be slim.

This remarkable book will give you some amazing insights on how to lose weight in PRACTICAL ways.

When food and drink tempt us at every turn and most of us sit down at work all day, how can we achieve our goal of being slim? This book contains a practical guide for ordinary people to achieve the level of weight loss they want.

Mark Cupples, MBA, advocates the ‘LEARN, THEN DO’ approach to gaining control over your weight. With the help of this book, you will learn to think for yourself and become your own diet and exercise expert. You will live the ‘SLIM LIFE’ you want.

Chapters include:

* Why big business wants you to be fat and how to make it your business to be slim!

* The truth about food revealed

* Choose from four start-up programs that best suit your needs

* How to get 80% of the benefits with 20% of the effort. The 80/20 rule applies!

* The best exercise is the exercise YOU will do

* Choose your weight-loss speed

* Live slimmer, healthier and longer

Mark Cupples was 66lb (30kg) overweight and feeling it when he tried yet another diet. This time it was a famous ‘low carb’ diet and it worked! Mark experienced big improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol readings. Many years later, his research and experience have led to this practical guide for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results.

He has uncovered the truth about why experts don’t agree on diets and exercise. This includes why business, supermarkets and food corporations like you the way you are … fat!

If you want to live the SLIM LIFE, scroll up and buy Mark’s life changing book and take control of your future!

Free on 20th - 24th Aug 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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