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Free on 25th - 29th Oct 17
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Snakes have always triggered awe and fear in people, even among the other animals. They are very unique and very fascinating. They can live in any corner of the world, except in the cold regions of Antarctica. They can live under rocks, in the trees, under water and practically anywhere they can crawl into.

Most people are afraid of snakes – and with reason. Some snakes are venomous. Their poison can paralyze and kill in a matter of minutes or hours. While some snakes can be deadly, they do not actively or aggressively kill. Snakes prefer to be alone. They tend to live in places where there aren’t many people. They spend most of their time lying still, hiding. They only come out and hunt occasionally. Sometimes they hunt every few days. Some only hunt after a month or so. They do not go roaming around and searching for someone to bite.

That’s just a glimpse of what you can learn from this book. There is so much more about these fascinating slithering creatures. Learn more about:

ohow unique their bodies are
owhat venom is and what snakes carry them
ohow they reproduce
ohow they eat
owhat they eat
owhere they live
ohow big they can grow
owhat are the different snake groups
owhat are the giant snakes
owhere do these snakes live
owhat are the most poisonous snakes
oand so much more

These snakes are amazing creatures that have been around for millions of years. They are not pests. They are not vicious killers. They are shy, silent, and do not like confrontation. They only attack if they are threatened. Gaining better understanding about these snakes can help us learn how best to take care of them, and how to treat them to keep them from attacking humans.

Free on 25th - 29th Oct 17
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