SOLDIER WITH A BACKPACK – Living and Dying Simultaneously
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the hidden love killer, is instrumental in creating a world of alienation in the human experience. “Soldier with a Backpack, Living and Dying Simultaneously” is written to form a silent unity of hope and understanding for individuals experiencing or knowing someone with PTSD and to reveal a needed truth about it.
She grew up with a tainted trust in adults, now that she has become one herself; Author Wattley began to learn why adults were so unhappy. She realized that stress and trauma had molded her into someone who felt unworthy of love, yet there was still something else willing her to life, telling her to share with the world that sufferers of PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are more than words could ever describe.
Author Wattley shares the experienced impact stress and trauma has on the human soul and the price we pay ignoring this reality. It is with great urgency she intimately shares her plight in life with her readers. Being mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically raped as a child, she survived by learning to exist in an inner world of divine peace. Something happened to that little girl; she didn’t die nor did she live, yet much was lost while much was gained.
Crystal Healing: Beginner’s Guide to Harness the Healing Powers of Crystals and Minerals
Bounce Back: Choosing to Rise When Life Knocks You Down
Slow Cooker: Low Carb & Ketogenic Diet
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