
Free on 25th - 27th Jul 14
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It isn’t like I dreamed I’d take off my clothes for money when I grew up, but life doesn’t always happen the way you want.

I was desperate when I walked into the Wild Lily. When I left, it was more than just a hundred dollars I’d gained. I had hope.

But every time I think I’m in control—I’m not. Every time I think I have a friend—I don’t. And now, the footsteps behind me are getting louder.


“Hilarey Johnson doesn’t settle for easy stereotypes. Sovereign Ground is a tale of clashing cultures and competing fears. In the middle of the action are the voices of those lost in human trafficking. This tale and those voices should not be ignored.”


“The story relates to so many of us that have come from the sex industry. This is the God I know and love and who first loved me without regard to what I had done, what had been done to me or where I had come from! A MUST read.”


“You have captured the pain and the paradox of stripping. This story exposes the truth. I love how you wrote that God gives us dignity, but doesn’t take it away like the world does.”



Ever since Health and Welfare dumped Sparrow at her half brother’s house, she’s lived in fear of her grandfather’s curse. When her sister-in-law decides to kick her out, Sparrow lies about her age and applies as busser in a strip club. After playing dress-up, the dancers nudge her onto stage.

The possibility of independence is fleeting. Within weeks, a stranger stabs one of the customers and strangles the dancer next to Sparrow. Helpless, she wakes in the arms of a police officer while the bar burns down.

Hayden, the Christian cop who rescues her might have ulterior motives. Do the footsteps near her window at night belong to him—or is her curse getting bolder?

Free on 25th - 27th Jul 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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