Author: Tags: , Length: Novella

Free on 1st Jan 70
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Can you double your reading speed in 20 minutes?

Yes, It is possible.

Did I really double my reading speed in 20 minutes?

Keep reading. I will tell you in a minute.

You see, when I was growing up, I was the slowest reader in my class.

For many years, here are the beliefs I had regarding speed-reading.

Belief 1:

Speed-Reading is an inborn skill. People without this skill cannot speed-read.

Belief 2:

Smart people always read faster than others.

Belief 3:

It will take months to learn to speed-read if not years.

Later in my life I found out that these are just my limiting-beliefs. They are not facts.

How did I find out that these are my limiting-beliefs?

Good question…

MythBuster 1:

Speed-Reading can be learned. One can improve his reading speed. I am a living proof to that.

MythBuster 2:

I have seen people who are less smarter than me to read faster than I did. So, even smart people could read slow.

And dumb people could read faster. (Marvin, my dumb 7th grade classmate, could read faster than everyone else in the class.)

MythBuster 3:

It doesn’t take years or months or weeks to learn speed-reading. It takes only minutes.

In this book, I explain and detail the following topics.

What is Speed-Reading?

History of Speed-Reading

Variations of Speed-Reading

How to prepare for speed-reading?

How to calculate your current reading speed?

5 Mindblowing Speed-Reading Myths

7 Fabulous Benefits of speed-reading

6 Evil Factors that affect our speed-reading

6 QUICK and SIMPLE Techniques to double your reading speed in 20 minutes

Oh…Yea…I almost forgot.

I didn’t double my reading speed in 20 minutes but I tripled my reading speed.


The techniques detailed in this book are proven and have helped many of my friends and my family. My wife and my son improved their reading speed.

For some reason, if you think, it doesn’t work and you think, it is not for you, return the book in 7 days for a full refund.

Free on 1st Jan 70
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