This is the story of a very old man, an octogenarian named Pierre Le Gros, and his collision course with the world. Whether he is in the colorful, beer-guzzling town of Heaven, Wisconsin, or stowing away on a ship to the Caribbean, Pierre just seems to do things that are bound to upset some of the people all of the time. When he is trying to jump out of airplanes or rid his favorite Caribbean island of feral cats, there is apt to be someone who is bothered by his actions. Often the people most bothered are those closest to him. The story poses some interesting questions. Why does Pierre love all things French so much and did he really once save France? Is hitchhiking really as safe for the elderly as Pierre claims? Does listening to country music really cause senility? These and other questions will be proposed, and some may be resolved. Laughter is good. Enjoy.
Drawn In: The Art Collector (Italy)
The Rise of the Phoenix (Society Book 1)
Harmonia (The Azure Series Book 1)
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