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Free on 13th - 15th Feb 15
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Want an easy-to-read travel guide to St. Louis? This book shows the top 109 best spots in this unique destination in United States.

Guidelet Publishing works exclusively with local travel experts to guide and help you make the most of your vacation.

St. Louis, Mo Travel Guide is your menu to all the ‘must-visit’ spots in this destination in United States.

Quickly get the lay of the land, understanding all your day, food and night-life options.

This guide covers St.Louis spots like shopping areas, museums, parks,outdoor adventures, nightclubs and street foods.

For each and every point of interest you`ll get:

Illustrative photo

Address and phone

Link to your Google Maps

Link to Website (when pertinent)

And a quick explanation as to why it deserves a visit.

No needless fluff, no boring anthropological lessons! Just everything we love!

We don`t stuff our travel content with working hours, credit-cards accepted, nearby transportation and user-reviews as it tends to bulk up the writing and are subject to change since the time of publishing. Once you decide the places you want to visit, these infos can easily be found at your hotel concierge, on-line or on Google Maps.

Not user-review based

Similarly, our philosophy has been that user-reviewed travel sites are subjective, as they tend to top-rank places that manage their reputation on those sites. So little corner bakeries, unique shops by local artisans, secluded beaches and hidden bars don’t show up in those sites as visibly as places that have an on-line marketer or social media specialist. Similarly, we believe the opinion of one well-informed local expert should outweigh the opinion of hundreds of first-time visitors to St.Louis. First-time visitors tend to flock to famous tourist attractions, creating a vicious circle, accentuating just the popular places. Our local experts know the entire city, and know what deserves a visit, whether a famous attraction or a quaint corner.

St.Louis Travel Guide is the first travel guide to St.Louis you should read.

It quickly helps you define your short-list of places you want to visit, so you don`t have to spend hours reading hundreds of pages of dense writing. All for less than the price of a sandwich.

Tags: St.Louis, United States , travelling, travelling guide, travelling handbook, history, historic landmarks, English, St. Louis Restaurants, restaurants, tourist attractions, St._Louis’s tourist attractions, St. Louis handbook, Shopping districts, St. Louis’s night life, Best of St.Louis, Travellers Guide to St.Louis

Free on 13th - 15th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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