
Free on 25th - 28th Oct 15
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Discover The Secrets To Unshakable Happiness!

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Let’s get to the point: There are many misconceptions about stoicism. Most people whose vocabulary includes the attribute “stoic” and who use it as they please, do not understand what the word truly means. The truth is that ‘Stoicism’ might be the best-kept secret in todays world in regards to creating happiness in your life. While

many love to indulge themselves in books about positivity and optimism, they stop as soon as something does not turn out the way they wanted it to. Stoicism, however, offers an approach that clearly stands the test of time and combines the attitude of being realistic with being happy. It recognizes the basic pattern of the human experience: sometimes things turn out good, sometimes they go wrong. So, the question is, why not always be happy instead of constantly depending upon how things turn out for us?

”There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus

This book outlines the essential concepts of Stoicism for you in a simple, comprehensible manner and provides deep insight into the obscure world of this amazing philosophy so that you can DERIVE BENEFIT FROM IT TODAY. It offers concise and practical advice for everyday life situations on how you can actually apply this philosophy and integrate it into your life.


Misconceptions about StoicismWhat is Stoicism and what does it mean to be ‘stoic’?How to overcome anger, irritation and frustration?Learn how to deal with grief and fear the stoic way & MUCH MORE!

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Find out what “Stoicism: The Practical Guide To A Virtuous Life & Unshakable Happiness” can do for you and your life today!

Thank you and enjoy the book.


tags: stoicism, stoic, epictetus, marcus aurelius, philosophy, greek philsophy, greece, happiness, resilience, virtue, virtuous, attitude, realism, realistic, expectations, practical philosophy

Free on 25th - 28th Oct 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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