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Free on 30th Jan 17
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Stop Being Shy-Tips for Stress Relief and More Happiness

In this book you will get eighteen tips to help you cope with being an introvert by teaching you how to deal with social anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, depression, and insecurities that come along with being shy. These tips will also help you love yourself and find happiness. You will receive tips that can benefit men, women, teenagers, singles, or anyone looking to boost their self-confidence in everyday life.

Suzie Summers, the author, writes in such a way that you won’t be wasting your time sifting through a bunch of useless content. No! You are going to get straightforward helpful tips to help you overcome shyness when meeting and conversing with other people.

A Few Tips From The Book on How To Not Be Shy

1. First, take a deep breath and relax! Just know that most people feel these kinds of emotions when meeting someone new, but the only way to move past them is to stop yourself and say; “ hey self-come back to the moment you are missing it with all that extra mumbo jumbo.” Stop yourself for just a second when you feel that anxiety coming on and when you hear those insecure questions running through your mind, or maybe you don’t even have any questions maybe your mind just goes blank. When this happens just think “breath” and take a deep breath. I am telling you to do this because deep breathing can reduce anxiety and provide more oxygen to your brain so you can think more clearly. This will bring you back to the moment and bring you back to the conversation at hand. Also, if you feel yourself blushing just think “smile”. Smiling can disguise your blushing and send signals to your brain which cause you happiness and in turn can reduce your anxiety. These are just little tricks to hide your insecurities for the moment and get you through the first initial meeting. This will take some practice so just start practicing on random people in the grocery store or at the gas station. Introduce yourself to the attendant behind the counter it may get a little awkward ,but it will get easier with practice. When you are practicing try not to focus on your insecurities just ignore them if you put too much thought into them it will make things harder. If you feel yourself having a hard time focusing on what the other person is saying because of questions running through your own brain or lack there of acknowledge it and then move on from those thoughts and focus on the person of which you are talking to. They are not judging you and if they are so what? That is not your concern at the moment.

After reading this book you will:

  • Have more confidence
  • Have the tools to make conversation
  • Know how to love yourself
  • Experience stress relief
  • Have the use of interviewing tips
  • Know how to cope with anxiety
  • Experience more happiness

Another tip you will get from this book:

4. Self-acceptance also comes from letting go of things that happened in the past and allowing yourself to grow in the future. Don’t dwell on a past experience that made you feel shy or uncomfortable when talking to other people. Forgive yourself for fumbling over your words and blushing. If you continue to dwell on these things it will only cause you pain and anxiety. Everyone makes mistakes move on from it and make new experiences. Look to the future what’s done is done you can’t take it back, but you can change how you do things in the future. These things take practice you may fumble through your words many more times in the future but the more you practice the easier it will become.

As you can see after reading this book you will have the tools to overcome shyness in social situations and have more self-confidence.

tags:stop being shy, how to not be shy, stop being an introvert, social skills, talk

Free on 30th Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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