
Free on 12th - 15th Sep 14
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This book is written from my heart to help you stop drinking and get your life back on track.

I understand what you are going through because much of my life used to be ruled by alcohol.

For years I drank too much and too often.

I was miserable and felt trapped.

I hated waking up with a massive hangover wondering what I had done the night before. I thought that I just had to learn how to control my drinking and everything would be fine but in truth alcohol was controlling me. It stopped me from being the person I wanted to be

I felt helpless, hopeless and lost!

I eventually managed to stop drinking and believe me it is one of the best feelings in the world not to be ruled by alcohol anymore!

My life has improved in so many ways

I have gained back my self-respect.

I am fitter and have more energy.

Losing weight was so much easier for me.

I am richer because I do not squander my money on alcohol anymore.

I have been able to achieve more of my goals in life.

I am HAPPIER than I have ever been!

I know what you are going through.

I want to help you to understand the truth about alcohol.

I can motivate you to stop drinking and more importantly stay stopped.

I can enable you to escape from the hangovers, the shame and that feeling that you will never be able to escape.

I can give you hope and the promise of a brighter, better future.

Connect with Liz Hemingway on Facebook – I Need to Stop Drinking

Free on 12th - 15th Sep 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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