
Free on 29th Sep 16 - 3rd Oct 16
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Stop Your Ticking Time Bomb Now!: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Stress and Growing in Health and Happiness by Roseli Schmidt

About the book:

Is your stressful life causing you unhappiness and ruining your health? It’s true that you cannot run away from the burden of responsibilities. But how you deal with stressors is up to you. In her latest book, “Stop Your Ticking Time Bomb Now!”, author Roseli Schmidt has explained how health and happiness are related, and how stress can affect both aspects of your life if you don’t manage it well. If you fail to identify the red flags early on, you may realize the damaging effects when it is too late. That is why “Stop Your Ticking Time Bomb Now!” aims at becoming your guide that will inspire and help you combat the negatives consequences of stress, reverting its consequences and achieve overall wellbeing through a healthy lifestyle. Order your copy now!

Summary of the book:

Taking inspirations from the works of renowned psychologists, medical doctors, scientists and nutrition experts, Roseli Schmidt came up with the idea for her book. It’s easy to get lost in the clutter of the Internet world, and you may feel confusing with some conflicting information and fail to find valuable health advice. That is why after years of research, the author was able to come up with a number of easy to follow instructions that will not only help you to manage stress, but it will also motivate you to lead a healthier and happier life. And that’s the only way you will find a true happiness and contentment in life.

In the chapters of the book, the author has discussed some key aspects such as stress and its consequences on the body, psychological implications of stress, the downside of today’s hyper productive society, quick fixes like antidepressants and sleep pills and the side effects of them, the importance of nutrition (vitamins, minerals and proteins), detox, restorative sleep, exercises and much more as natural but very effective stress management. She has also sketched out a thorough action plan that will help you prevent or revert the symptoms of stress.

After reading this book, you will:

? Be able to identify the key stressors in your life

? Learn to differentiate between good stress and bad stress

? Understand the importance of revert stress’ consequences

? Naturally increase your stress tolerances and strengths

? Find effective solutions to your problems

? Learn to how to be passionate for the live and work towards make your dreams come true

? Discover the power of love and its healing properties

All in all, “Stop Your Ticking Time Bomb Now!” seeks to be your go-to guide every time you feel like you are losing control. Order your copy today, and make your life whole again!

About the author:

A member of the British Psychological Society, Roseli Schmidt is an expert on transformation and stress management. After studying psychology for over 20 years, she became an internationally acclaimed author. She is also a life coach, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and multilingual translator. She has worked with people from all over the world, and has helped her clients reach a happier state of mind and life.

Free on 29th Sep 16 - 3rd Oct 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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