
Free on 20th - 21st Jan 17
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What is the story beyond time; what is the power it speaks of, that drives its finder to possess it, corrupt it and channel it?
The governor of Atlantis has just declared that he has found a way to make it rain after a three year drought. Alanthea, High-priestess, is haunted by a woman she never knew; a woman, who like her was born to a higher calling, but who was not instated and is still surrounded by mystery. As Alanthea starts to piece together the puzzle of the other woman’s life she finds her coded poems and embarks on a journey the governor has already made. Arakon always thought of himself as an orphan, a loner without any real belonging. But when the woman crosses his path, too, his life changes, and he is drawn into events beyond his control. They move parallel in their search for answers until their destinies converge, and the weave unravels. But when they finally uncover the governor’s design they cannot undo what has been set in motion.

Free on 20th - 21st Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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