
Free on 11th - 15th Dec 23
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Are you interested in finding workouts that are easy to do yet beneficial, even if you have problems with your mobility & balance?

Would you want to develop better balance, increase strength, and experience a constant feeling of being supercharged?
Would you prefer to do each of these things while remaining in the convenience of your own home?

If you responded “yes” to any of these inquiries, then there is no need for you to continue looking anywhere else as you’ve reached at the right place!

The development and maintenance of one’s physical strength are essential components of a life that is both richer and longer. Weight lifting has been shown to alleviate symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including osteoarthritis, depression, back pain and diabetes.

This is a comprehensive strength training guide for seniors. The book is designed to assist seniors effectively and safely progressively improve power, balance, as well as resistance via the performance of exercises that are straightforward and easy to understand.

The book “Strength Training Workouts for Seniors” describes the physical and mental advantages that emerge from starting a program of strength training, and it offers instructions for a large number of varied activities that will:Increase your self-esteem plus independenceRelieve discomfort throughout the bodyEnhance your coordination and reduce the fear of trippingA long list of strength training and other exercises to get the best of your bodyAnd plenty more!Based on the instructions in the book, besides your body being more resilient against the effects of aging, but you will additionally gain the self-assurance to take on further challenges in the future.

Don’t miss this opportunity to better your life and get your hands on this book right now!

Free on 11th - 15th Dec 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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