When a farm boy from Mississippi, Damen Schultz, decides to embark on a journey with his best friends, Jose and Darell, to make their dream of becoming famous movie stars come true, they leave more behind than their families and the Valley they grew up in; their innocence. Remembering their secret spot called ‘Sugar Valley’, a place where their dreams began, they arrive in Hollywood and attain fame rather quickly, each in different ways. The different paths they chose to get there cause them to be hunted by the rich and powerful, entwining and manipulating them as they fight to keep their purity that their Valley once gave them. Only one will attain the coveted Oscar trophy and return to Sugar Valley to tell about the horrors they went through. Fame and fortune, wealth and power, come with more than a price. And in the end, they learn that it is only the beginning of a story that the business never wanted to get out. All they knew of was a Valley they called ‘Sugar’ that they fought to leave to attain their desires. And now, all they want to do is return to it, for what they had all along with Sugar Valley was the greatest dream of all; harmony.
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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