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This book was created to teach regular people how to work with the mystical Tarot cards and change their life for the better – not to mention starting a fascinating new hobby, which can transform into something bigger with time.

The guide will provide you with everything a beginner needs to understand about Tarot, including the core divinatory meanings of all seventy-eight cards of a classic Tarot of Marseille or “traditional” Waite-Smith deck.

We will dive deeper as well into the Tarot: you will learn about the history of Tarot, the Major and Minor Arcana, and the positions and meanings of the cards in some of the world’s most famous Tarot spreads.

There is no right or wrong way of interpreting the cards. Each situation and each person are unique. What means something for someone will not mean the same thing for someone else. Everyone’s life is different. Your intuition will guide you to find the answers and help yourself and others.

My aim is to offer you an introduction and practical advice to Tarot. I try to help you choose the perfect deck for yourself. I explain how to care for your cards and the meaning (reversed and upright) of each card. There are also included some of the most popular spreads to give you a profound idea of how interpreting works. From here, the sky is the limit!

Tarot for Beginners: Complete Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Unveiling the Tarot Sacraments will teach you everything you need to start reading Tarot today!

Free on 21st - 22nd Jan 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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